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Why should you consider switching to nicotine pouches?

Pourquoi devriez-vous envisager de passer aux nicotine pouches

If you are not familiar with nicotine pouches, or if you have no idea about their use and benefits, then this guide will advise you and detail some of the basics. So without further ado, here is why you should consider switching to nicotine pouches.

What is a “nicotine Pouch” or pocket of nicotine?

Before going any further, let’s linger for a moment on the definition of the Nicotine Pouch which is making a lot of noise in the field of nicotine and its consumables.

These bags are a new form of consumables containing a given level of nicotine. They are small bags that do not exceed a few small centimeters and are semi-permeable.

These pouches are placed in the mouth and between the lip and your gums. The bag releases nicotine slowly and for an effect that can last up to 1 hour. These sachets come in a classic form, or with flavors and vegetable fibers.

You can find nicotine in its natural form, extracted from tobacco, or synthetic nicotine from European manufacturers’ laboratories. The packets do not keep cold and can be used at any temperature outside or inside.

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of this new format and what it brings to your body and your daily life.

The essential benefits of the Nicotine Pouch

If you’re planning to transition to test nicotine pouches, here are some benefits to keep in mind. Some of these benefits require a considerable amount of time.

As such, none of the advice in this guide is considered medical. Consult your doctor or health specialist if you notice any side effects or unexpected transitions.

1.   Recyclability

These bags come in generally recyclable packaging. Thus, this new technology or consumption mode aims to preserve the planet and its environment.

More and more manufacturers in Europe and in the EU zone insist strongly on the recyclability of materials. Please check the boxes before throwing them in the recyclable bin. Some materials are still not recyclable and should be redirected to non-recyclable bins.

2.   Reducing some of the risks of smoking

The risks associated with smoking are numerous. Smokers are exposed to serious risks and diseases in the short and long term. Smoking, in particular, affects the lungs and respiratory system. This system is linked to another cardiovascular system.

Thus, replacing cigarettes and respiratory flow by oral consumption with packets can only benefit your lungs. Beware, studies are still ongoing and this mode of consumption is quite recent.

3.   A practical side

The small sachets are discreet and practical for daily use or public use. They slip easily into your bag or trouser pocket. You can even keep your used pouches in transportable boxes to dispose of them in the right place. No more smells, and no more changing clothes before your date or meeting your parents.

4.   No tobacco

While tobacco used to accompany the nicotine substance in cigarettes, this is no longer the case with nicotine packs. Flavors and an adequate dose of nicotine.

Thus, tobacco’s evil and unpleasant side is absent with this mode of consumption. Your lungs will have a considerable break and your breath will gradually return to its level.

5.   A protection of your entourage

Before, everyone complained about your cigarette. With the Nicotine Pouch, those next to you will have no impact. The pouches are only for you. No combustion is present and therefore no danger to those around you at home or where you used to smoke.

Nicotine Pouch: a new form of therapy

You may want to consider making progress in your journey to reduce nicotine levels through pouches. While smoking via pouches is undoubtedly safer than smoking cigarettes, you can make resolutions and choose lower levels for your pouches.

You can even consult a doctor or professional vendor to have them advise you on a good nicotine rate that allows you to discover the pouches and reduce your usual rate of nicotine consumption.

Before you go for an online purchase, you can contact the seller and read a few more articles. That way, you’ll know what to expect without running into a surprise or a nasty effect the first time. Enjoy your bags and see you soon!

   Sale prohibited to minors. Product that may contain nicotine, an addictive substance. Use by non-smokers not recommended.